James C. Hone

James Hone and his research group study fundamental properties of two-dimensional materials such as graphene, boron nitride, and transition metal dichalcogenides, and explore their applications in electronics, optoelectronics, sensing, and nano-mechanics.  They synthesize these materials with the goal of achieving the highest-quality crystals and films available. They pioneered the assembly of these materials into layered Van der Waals heterostructures and continue to develop new ways to create and manipulate these structures to achieve new properties.  In addition, they use nano-fabrication to create devices and structures for fundamental biological studies. 

He is currently the Wang Fong-Jen Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He is also Associate Director of Columbia's National Science Foundation MRSEC on Precision Assembled Quantum Materials and a principal investigator with Columbia's Department of Energy EFRC on Programmable Quantum Materia.s 

Research Areas Include:

2d Material Synthesis + Characterization + Mechanical Testing
2d Heterostructure Devices
Electronics + Optoelectronics
Nano-Bio Interfaces