Milan E. Delor

The efficient transport and interconversion of energy between photons, electrons, ions and heat underpins life on earth. In modern technologies ranging from solar panels to computers, batteries and health sensors, energy moves slowly, randomly and often inefficiently towards target conversion sites. The Delor group aims to direct energy flow in emerging materials in ways that are targeted and efficient, moving beyond random motion to unleash new paradigms for extracting more energy from solar panels, storing more energy in batteries, speeding up information transport and processing, and exploiting correlated electronic systems for new applications.

He is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry and a principal investigator with Columbia's Department of Energy EFRC on Programmable Quantum Materials

Research Areas Include:

Super-resolution Imaging of Electronic Transport and Material Energy Landscapes
Optical Control of Nuclear-Electronic Coupling and Energy Flow on Material Mesoscales
Optical Manipulation of Strongly Correlated Electronic Behavior with Confined Light