Sebastian Will

The Will Lab investigates quantum systems of ultracold atoms and molecules. We cool atoms and molecules to ultracold temperatures close to above absolute zero - reaching the coldest temperatures allowed by nature. At these temperatures, the behavior of particles is determined by the laws of quantum mechanics. Using the precision tools of atomic physics, we have full control over the quantum state of each particle and the interactions between them. 

He is an Assistant Professor of Physics in the Department of Physics.

Research Areas Include:

NaCs - Ultracold Dipolar Molecules
TweeSr - Programmable Atomic Tweezer Arrays
Second-scale Coherence Time in Molecular Nuclear Spin States
Quantum Control Over the Internal States of Molecules
Creation of Chemically Stable Fermionic Ground State Molecules
Quantum Quenches and Collapse and Revival Dynamics
Bose-Fermi Mixtures and Impurity Interactions
Quantum Simulation with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices