Yasutomo Uemura

Tomo Uemura is known for demonstrating a nearly linear relationship between the superconducting Tc and the superfluid density in high-Tc cuprate and initiated an energy scale phenomenology for unconventional superconductors with a plot of Tc versus the effective Fermi temperature TF, which is commonly referred to as “Uemura plot”. He also worked on superconductivity and magnetism of cuprate, A3C60, organic BEDT and TMTSF, FeAs, heavy fermion and(Sr,Ca)2RuO4 superconductors and on magnetism of spin glasses, geometrically frustrated spin systems, low dimensional spin systems, Mott transition systems, itinerant-electron magnets and magnetic percolation networks using MuSR and neutron scattering methods.

He is a Professor of Physics.

Research Areas Include:

Unconventional Superconductors
Quantum Magnetism