Join Dr. Sebastian Will's Quantum Simulation and Computation Seminar, a 4-part series associated with UN3084.
In the first seminar, Dr. Jesse Amato-Grill from QuEra Computing will discuss Quantum Computing with Neutral Atom Arrays: Neutral atom arrays have recently emerged as one of the leading platforms for large-scale quantum computing and simulations. These systems offer a variety of possible qubit encodings with long coherence times, along with exceptional programmability and reconfigurability of the array geometry and qubit connectivity. In addition, strong, highly coherent coupling between the qubits can be achieved using Rydberg states of the atoms. QuEra Computing’s first product (launching this summer) will be a cloud-accessible, programmable quantum simulator based on a 2D array of Rubidium atoms in reconfigurable optical tweezers. I will introduce the hardware platform and discuss some of its first applications, including recently completed work on solving the Maximum Independent Set problem. Finally, I will provide an outlook on the Rydberg platform and progress towards building general-purpose, fault-tolerant quantum computers using this technology.