Nature Podcast Featuring Sebastian Will: Making a Molecular Bose–Einstein Condensate

Quantum Theme:

Download the Nature Podcast 5 June 2024

00:46 Making a molecular Bose–Einstein condensate

For the first time, researchers have coaxed molecules into a bizarre form of matter called a Bose–Einstein condensate, in which they all act in a single gigantic quantum state. Although condensates have been made using atoms for decades, the complex interactions of molecules have prevented them from being cooled into this state. Now, a team has successfully made a Bose–Einstein condensate using molecules made of caesium and sodium atoms, which they hope will allow them to answer more questions about the quantum world, and could potentially form the basis of a new kind of quantum computer.

Research article: Bigagli et al.

News: Physicists coax molecules into exotic quantum state — ending decades-long quest