Abstract: Superconducting and photonic circuits are among the most advanced platforms for quantum information processing. However, superconductivity and optics are incompatible in many aspects as superconductors could absorb photons and optical excitations are known to lead to excess microwave noises. I will present an ongoing effort at Yale that brings superconductivity and optics on a single chip platform, which enables new functions including ultrasensitive photon-number resolved detectors, efficient microwave-to-optical converters for quantum networks, and superconducting electro-optic modulators for cryogenic data links.
Bio: Hong Tang is the Llewellyn West Jones, Jr. Professor of Electrical Engineering, Physics and Applied Physics at Yale University. His research utilizes integrated photonic circuits to study photon-photon, photon-mechanics and photon-spin interactions as well as quantum photonics involving microwave and optical photons. He has been on Yale faculty since 2006. He is a recipient of Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering.
Host: Prof. Alexander Gaeta